-Advocating For The Betterment Of Our Community-
Neighbors Taking Care of Neighbors Since 1991.
*100th Year Anniversary of Sunset Park 1924*
We regret to inform you that the SPAHA Halloween Party (or similar neighborhood gathering) will be postponed. Our neighborhood has gone through so much loss over the past month, and you are in our thoughts. May this temporary disaster bring a closer community as we rebuild our lives over the next year. Our Board has dwindled with members displaced out of South Tampa and we are looking for volunteer support. Please reach out. Thank you for understanding. |
A Very Successful Movie Night |
2024 MEMBERSHIP MEETINGs January 24, March 20, September 18, November 13 7:00 - 8:00pm Jan Platt Library *Dinner Meeting May 8th at Tates. | JOIN US!What Is SPAHA? (We are not a deeded community.)SPAHA is a community sponsored, 100% volunteer-run homeowner's association for residents of Sunset Park, Tampa, FL. We do not make or enforce restrictions or levy fines on the residents of Sunset Park. Instead, we advocate for the betterment of our community. SPAHA membership is voluntary. Yearly dues of $35 and resident donations are used for social events such as the Movie Night, Halloween Party, Happy Hours, etc, neighborhood beautification, college scholarship, Little Free Libraries, educational speakers and newsletter. *Please note only current members can view Newsletters and Meeting Minutes. |
General Inquiries Contact: SPAHA.org@gmail.com
Mail to:
Post Office Box 10751
Tampa, Florida 33679